On begining i had some probelms with order on webpage but after contact with custom service problem was solved imidietly. Cap arrived to Poland in few days and looks perfect. I give my recommendation for Caphunters! This was mi first order but for sure not last one!
Wysłany dnia 2024-09-24 za pomocą Sławomir
Perfect transaction
On begining i had some probelms with order on webpage but after contact with custom service problem was solved imidietly. Cap arrived to Poland in few days and looks perfect. I give my recommendation for Caphunters! This was mi first order but for sure not last one!
Kupując jakikolwiek produkt od Caphunters przyczynisz się do zasadzenia drzew w tych miejscach naszej planety gdzie najbardziej tego potrzebuja 1 drzewo więcej i dzięki Twojej współpracy podążamy naprzód w kierunku zrównoważnego rozwoju i lepszego jutra dla wszystkich.